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Antique Islamic Erotic Poetry 3 Manuscripts with Miniature Paintings Dated 1242

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Antique Islamic Very Rare & Highly Collectible Manuscript Book by Fazil Andarouni. This Book Contains Three Manuscripts in One, Zanan Nameh, Khooban Nameh, Jengi Nameh. All very rare Erotic Poetry Book about Sexuality and Different types of Women & Men around the world.

Enderûnlu Fâzıl 1757–1810 A.D was an Ottoman poet who depicted the beauty of Men & Women from various lands of the Ottoman Empire. He achieved fame through his erotic works. Among his most famous works is Zanan Nameh (The Book of Women), which was banned in the Ottoman Empire. The book describes the advantages and disadvantages of women from different nations. His other books are Khooban Nameh (The Book of Beautiful) a similar copy of The Book of Women but for Men with full description of the Men of various regions and backgrounds, as well as Jengi Nameh (The book of Dancers).

Zanan Nameh or The book of Women is an Erotic poetry book about all kinds of Women around the world, dedicating an individual chapter for each nationality, ethnicity or culture. Women of Indian Subcontinent, Persian Women, Women of Baghdad, Women of Umm Al Donya (Mother of the World or Cairo), Women of Sudan, Women of Habesha or Ethiopia, Women of Yemen, Women of Maghreb or Morocco, Women of Tunisia, Women of Hijaz, Women Damascus, Women of Halab or Aleppo, Women of Anatolia, Women of White Sea Region of Ottoman Empire or islands of Mediterranean sea Mostly Today’s Cyprus, Women of Spain, Women of Istanbul, Women of Afranj or Great England, Women of Rome, Women of Armenia, Jewish Women, Women of Jangaaneh or Gypsy Women, Women of Rumelia covering mainly Balkan Peninsula or today’s Bulgaria and Macedonia, Women of Arnaaud part of Tukey and Bulgaria border, Women of Boshnaq or Bosniaks covering South Slavic Nations like Bosnia, Herzegovina, Serbia, Croatia and Kosovo, Women of Tatars, Women of Georgia, Women of Circassia, Women of Russia, Woman of Afranjeh or France.

Khooban Nameh or The book of Beautiful (Men) is one of the most eminent examples of Homosexual Literature in Islamic Art. The Author being a bisexual, he openly talks about his homosexual relationships and love affairs with other Beautiful Men of different parts of the Ottoman Empire and the rest of the world. According to the book, his favorite boys were the Greek ones, as he found them “graceful walkers with sassy manners”. He says that “Greek boys are neither as soft as Armenians nor as indolent as Jews. They seduce even the best people. When the curls of their hair fall to their cheeks, months confuse days. When he surrenders, you will die with deep lust.” This is one of the most important books of Islamic Art & History that openly talks about Homosexuality.

Jengi Nameh or Chengi Nameh (The Book of Dancers) is another book of Fazil talking about best male dancers of Istanbul and another one is Daftar Eshgh or Kitab-ı Aşk (The Book of Love) describing homosexual love affairs.

This remarkable Manuscript contains 3 of the most important books of Fazil Enderûnlu (Fazil Enderuni) in one manuscript book signed & dated by Muhammad Sami 1242 Hijri 1827 A.D.

This manuscript contains 3 dates:

First one at the last page of Khuban Nameh 1207 Hijri which I believe is the date of the completion of the book by the Author Fazil Andaruni. Second date is at the beginning of the book 1242 Hijri with the name of the Calligrapher which is referring to the date of the book hand written by the calligrapher. Third date is 1265 Hijri with a stamp which is referring to the Center or Library of Ibrahim Pasha with his name mentioned there, referring to the location where the book was kept. It is important to know that this book was banned in Ottoman Empire Dynasty.

This manuscript has 3 Miniature Paintings all original and from the same era of the book.

100% authenticity is guaranteed. All Original Condition.

Size: 22.5 Cm x 16 CM